My first impression of the University of Maryland is diversity. Everyday morning, when I am walking alongside the Mckeldin Mall which is a large piece of lawn in the middle of the campus, the people coming in front of me are of different races such as Caucasian, Chinese, Indian and African. In the classroom, even though students are of different races, they all speak the same accent of American English. During the look fair, some student clubs aim at promoting the culture of their own races, such as Indian dance club and K pop club. It gives me a thought that US is really a successful nation of immigrant. People coming from all over the world speak same language without giving up their own culture.
However, when I take a closer look at the diversified environment, I may not come to the same conclusion. In canteen, it is not common to see a group of students with different races having meal together and chatting with each other. For certain events like the Hip-hop competition held yesterday, most audience are African American. For the fraternity dormitory, White American are still the dominant residents. It confuses me because I don’t know the true meaning of diversity. Does that mean different races account for same percentage in all group? Or there is just an environment which enable different races to communicate? I still don’t have an answer.